The following resources are shared by the teams who joined the mission for FTC WI.R.E.S. Please check out and join in the mission by sharing more here.
Important Websites:
First Inspires : www.firstinspires.org
First Inspires Wisconsin : www.firstinspireswi.org
FTC WI.R.E.S : http://ftcwires.org
Resource page for current season: https://www.firstinspires.org/resource-library/ftc/game-and-season-info
Advocacy: https://mysasa.org/ Contact : Emma Schuff eschuff@firstinspires.org
Team information:
Registration and Dashboard : www.firstinspires.org -> Login, https://my.firstinspires.org/Dashboard
FTC Team Search : https://www.firstinspires.org/team-event-search
FTC Events: https://ftc-events.firstinspires.org/2020
Orange alliance: https://theorangealliance.org/home
Facilities, Learning / Practice options, Scrimmages & Qualifiers:
Open Practice Facilities :
We Energies STEM Center : https://www.msoe.edu/about-msoe/k-12-stem-at-msoe/we-energies-stem-center/ Contact : Mike Meilicke meilickem@msoe.edu
Lakeshore Robotics Education Center : https://lakeshorefirstrobotics.org/ Contact : Arrow Guetschow Arrow@lakeshorefirstrobotics.org
Learning / Practice options, Scrimmages :
Team Hazmat 13201 : Email: teamhazmat13201@gmail.com Web page: http://13201hazmat.org - Scrimmage, Practice sessions
Lasertech 14631 : Email: ftclasertech@gmail.com Web page : https://ftclasertech.weebly.com/
Supposable Thumbs 4106 : Email : supposablethumbsftc@gmail.com Web page: https://www.supposablethumbs.org/
Kraken Pinion 8680: Email : krakenpinion@gmail.com 30-hr challenge
Qualifiers & State Championship:
FTC discord : https://discord.gg/first-tech-challenge
FTC WIRES discord: https://discord.gg/uwC6CzRm
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/FIRSTWisconsin
Instagram :https://www.instagram.com/firstinspireswi/
FTC Forum : https://ftc-community.firstinspires.org/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FTC/
General resources:
Game Manual 0 : https://gm0.org/en/latest/
Official FIRST Resources : https://www.firstinspires.org/resource-library/ftc/game-and-season-info
Includes Game Manual and Field Manual, etc.
Rev Robotics FTC Documentation https://docs.revrobotics.com/docs/first-tech-challenge
FTC Sim - http://ftcsim.org A simulation environment for FTC Robot programming
Virtual Robot Simulator from FTC Illinois https://powerplay.vrobotsim.online/homepage.html https://youtu.be/Kg87yN4oRQQ
OnShape for CAD : https://www.onshape.com/en/
First Wisconsin Resources: https://www.firstinspireswi.org/team-resources
Hardware resources:
Rev Robotics : https://www.revrobotics.com/
Gobilda : https://www.gobilda.com/
Servocity : https://www.servocity.com/
AndyMark : https://www.andymark.com/
Studica Robotics : https://www.studica.com/
Pitsco : https://www.pitsco.com/
McMaster-Carr : https://www.mcmaster.com/
Long Robotics : https://longrobotics.com/
OpenOdometry : https://openodometry.weebly.com/
Speedy Metals : www.speedymetals.com
Fabworks : https://www.fabworks.com/
First Wisconsin Production Hub : https://www.firstinspireswi.org/about-3
GEarheads How To : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvdPn8BdIWaWhwaCBCWzmZw
Programming resources:
Introduction to Programming : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8HZ0pojM34Xkz7Yh7JxoSRytoa8FR7gV
Introduction to Object Oriented Concepts :
Learning Java : https://books.trinket.io/thinkjava2/
FTC Programing resources : https://www.firstinspires.org/resource-library/ftc/technology-information-and-resources
Link to FTC Github https://github.com/FIRST-Tech-Challenge
Basics of Git : https://git-scm.com/docs/gittutorial , https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-the-basics-of-git-in-under-10-minutes-da548267cc91/
Github guides : https://guides.github.com/activities/hello-world/ , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iv8rSLsi1xo
FTC Installation of Android Studio : https://youtu.be/uTjYo9w0TaY , https://www.firstinspires.org/sites/default/files/uploads/resource_library/ftc/android-studio-guide.pdf
FTC Programing Overview: http://paws.kettering.edu/~webe3546/FTCJavaProgramming.pdf
Class room Structured training for FTC Programing: https://stemrobotics.cs.pdx.edu/node/4196
Learn Java for FTC book by Alan G Smith https://github.com/alan412/LearnJavaForFTC/blob/master/LearnJavaForFTC.pdf
Finite State Machine model : https://gm0.org/en/latest/docs/software/finite-state-machines.html
Roadrunner : https://learnroadrunner.com/, https://acme-robotics.gitbook.io/road-runner/, https://acmerobotics.github.io/ftc-dashboard/
Machine Learning Tool Chain : https://ftc-ml.firstinspires.org/ , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAYD08FMBtM
Sample Builds
Studica Robotics Starter Kit https://www.studica.com/first-tech-challenge
Gobilda RI3D build : https://www.gobilda.com/robot-in-3-days-resource-guide-into-the-deep/
Rev Robotics Starter Bot : https://www.revrobotics.com/duo/ftc-starter-bot/
Andy Mark : How do I : https://www.andymark.com/pages/into-the-deep-and-andymark
Game strategy resources:
Scouting Guide : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lVtBp20XT_ZGtRpURoLbqTFpbBjoPcP--gMr0LWLjcY/edit?usp=sharing
Scouting Template : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IDxuZjm0IEe5axS9IOsYvBfZytGsnf2uzbL7xbU2SkA/edit?gid=0#gid=0
FIRST Wisconsin Team Grants
https://www.firstinspireswi.org/post/first-team-grants - Multiple grant opportunities. Don't miss it!
Wisconsin DPI
https://dpi.wi.gov/stem/grants/robotic-league Up to $5000 matching funds as reimbursement for balance expenses. Submission before Nov 1. Paid end of season
https://www.msoe.edu/about-msoe/k-12-stem-at-msoe/first-frc-ftc-amp-fll-team-sponsorship/ Up to $500 for FRC and high-school FTC Teams. Submission Sep, Oct, Jan.
FIRST Grants
https://www.firstinspires.org/robotics/team-grants Grants offered by various institutions. Filter by program and location.
https://my.firstinspires.org/Dashboard on registration of new team. Rookie grant for $500 towards purchase of Electronics/Field elements and registration. Go to Team Options -> Order products.
https://my.firstinspires.org/Dashboard - Team Options -> Order products Discount on 1 order of electronics. Discounts available on 1 order of electronics. Go to Team Options -> Order products.
https://www.revrobotics.com/competition/ftc/discounts/ Discount of 15%.. Voucher on https://my.firstinspires.org/Dashboard
https://www.revrobotics.com/team-sponsorship/ Team Sponsorship. Submission in Sep-Oct
https://www.gobilda.com/ftc/ 25% Discount for FTC teams. Tax exemption for Eligible Non-profit and public schools.
https://www.gobilda.com/ftc-team-sponsorships/ Strafer Kit worth $500 for $150. Submission in Sep-Oct
https://www.gobilda.com/event-donation-requests/ FIRST Event Donation request
https://www.gobilda.com/gobilda-first-robotics-scholarship/ , https://www.gobilda.com/gobilda-stem-scholarship/ FIRST Robotics and STEM Scholarships for High school seniors
https://www.servocity.com/first_team_discounts/ 25% Discount for FTC teams. Tax exemption for Eligible Non-profit and public schools
https://www.servocity.com/ftc-team-sponsorships/ Team sponsorship . Submission in Sep-Oct
https://www.servocity.com/ftc-event-sponsorships/ FIRST Event Donation request
Studica Robotics
https://www.studica.com/studica-robotics-grant-application - Grant for FTC Teams
https://www.studica.com/studica-robotics-team-discount - Team discounts for FTC Teams
GE Healthcare
Up to $1000. Employee must be team mentor, and should contact Chuck Bartelsen @GE. Announced between Sep - Nov. Form has to be submitted. Paid through FIRST Funds & Grants
Lockheed Martin
https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/who-we-are/communities/applying-for-contributions.html Up to $750. Employee must be team mentor, and should initiate request. Paid through FIRST Funds & Grants
Johnson Controls
https://www.johnsoncontrols.com/corporate-sustainability/community/philanthropy/funding-guidelines Upto $750. Employee must be team mentor, and initiate request. Paid through FIRST Funds & Grants
Rockwell Automation
Up to $500. Employee must be team mentor, and initiate request. Paid through FIRST Funds & Grants
Up to $250. Employee must be team mentor, and initiate request. Paid through FIRST Funds & Grants
John Deere
https://www.firstinspires.org/robotics/team-grants Apply on FIRST team grants link.Sponsors teams within 40 miles of John Deer office. Also sponsors teams with employee mentors
Employee must be team mentor, and initiate request to Manager, Social Responsibility in the organization.
https://smile.amazon.com/ Amazon donates 0.5% of all purchases done on portal to Non-profit set up as recipient .
https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=G2UQTUL5CHRCA7BL Amazon Tax exempt program for Non-profit organizations
GEarheads Computer Project:
If you know of, or are, a Wisconsin FTC or FLL team that does not have the resources needed to provide laptops desktops, or computers for your team, contact the GEarhead team. (Contact by email at ftcgearheads@gmail.com)
Matching Gifts Program from Corporate
Most corporations with offices in Wisconsin offers matching gifts program for the donations made by employees. If your robotics organization is a non-profit or part of public school system, you may be eligible for this. Check out the list of companies that offer matching gifts here : https://www.elmbrookschools.org/elmbrook-education-foundation/about-us/gift-matching . Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and you will need to manage the registration for matching gifts from your own non-profit or public school system. List provided is only indicative of the companies.