FTC WI.R.E.S : FTC Wisconsin Rises to Enable STEM growth
An initiative aimed to improve the number of FTC teams in Wisconsin by collaboration between Wisconsin FTC teams and instigate a sense of community and work cohesively for the growth of the program in the state.
Vision : Establish an engaged FTC community in Wisconsin
Mission : Collate and share resources, ideas, learnings and contacts between new teams and existing teams in Wisconsin
Target : 100 FTC teams in Wisconsin
Attn : New Teams in Wisconsin
Welcome! Please make yourself reachable by other teams (Create an email / social media account and inform us - we will include your details in the Team Information Sheet)
Please fill this form for submitting new team information
Alumni Mentorship Extravaganza!!
Team Hazmat hosted an alumni mentorship workshop
check out the slides and this video to learn more
FTC WIRES Software Platform for easy autonomous coding
(designed for Rookie teams to have a good autonomous mode at their first qualifier!)

New: FTC WIRES Blocks Platform for Into the Deep
Sample code for autonomous path.
Updated: : FTC WIRES Software Platform for Into the Deep with 10.1.1 and RR 1.14 is now released. Click here for details
Integrates New Roadrunner 1.14 for motion planning , sample code for autonomous path.

Building Community - Piloting a Local FTC Mentor Network
Initiative by FIRST Wisconsin to mentors to learn and share and help in developing new mentors.
Click here to Join the network
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